Get your real estate equity
We will help you along the way
Last updated
We will help you along the way
Last updated
Evita enables you to buy equity in US-based real estate renovation projects:
Starting as small as $100
With instant liquidity
From any country
Historically real estate index is performing almost the same as stock markets:
Real estate is cash flowing monthly or quarterly, providing stable income even during stock market downturns.
Looking at the chart above, you will notice that real estate (the red one) is smoother than stocks. It will make you feel safe during stock panic because:
The real estate market has more inertia than stocks. People check trading apps every minute, but nobody will do that with housing.
Real estate provides real value, which is evident to people, unlike the stock market, filled with detrimental startups, SPACs, and all sorts of gambling.
Corporate and government bond yields are close to zero for years, while real estate can bring you 5-7% cash-on-cash returns depending on your strategy.
US is still short more than 5 million homes, and builders can't make up the difference according to CNBC report.
Holding a real estate equity is great because it appreciates like stocks and yields more than bonds at the same time.
But there's an even better way: if you find a distressed property in a great location and renovate it, you can turbo-boost both your rental cash flow and equity price.
Historical annualized returns for the real estate renovation are 15-20%. Read the next page to learn more on why it's possible: