Minting & Market-making

Grow your potential becoming a market-maker

We're inviting market-makers (MM) to mint new EVITA and support EVITA/USDC trading pair. Here are the potential sources of income for market-makers:

  1. 5-20% IRR on EVITA due to the underlying assets' rental cash flow and price appreciation.

  2. 1% from the yield compression between fiat equity share and digital token. As we will increase our community, this operation will take one week. I.e., it could add up to +52% APY.

  3. 2-5% spread when a retail investor uses our native web app to one-click-sale his EVITA. MMs APY depends on the turnover speed of the retail tokens. Our estimation is 30% APY for the early stages and triple-digits later.

  4. 0.5% broker fee from building multi-layered leveraged EVITA portfolios by retail investors. It will compound to 2.61% per transaction in the case of 7-level leverage. And it will boost retail investor's APY to 30-40%.

  5. TODO: +2% when we reach $100M+ portfolio and will eliminate intermediaries.

  6. TODO: +3% when we reach $100M+ portfolio and will earn realtor fees.

  7. Up to 43% bonus to your capital from our EVIDAO token.

Evita shares 2—6 types of fees from the list above with MMs according to these rates:

USDC staked / term90d180d360d













So the total MMs potential profits during the first year could be up to 72% APY.

The terms above are effective until May 01st, 2022, and are subject to change.

To become a MM you have to stake your USDC to the special protocol. Please contact Evita team to get early access.

Last updated