🏡EVITA token

Index of the US real estate renovation market

Evita is an SEC-compliant digital security token backed by the portfolio of the US real estate renovation projects. It's like an index of the US private real estate market.

🔥 A Revolutionary Asset

  1. EVITA allows you to invest in private markets, which perform much better than public markets.

  2. You can buy it for as small as $100 instead of $100k.

  3. You can sell it on any given day instead of once in 3 years.

  4. It combines the best of both stocks (price appreciation) and bonds (current yield).

  5. It's better than stocks because it's smoother during market panics.

  6. It's better than bonds because it yields much more historically.

  7. Historical cash-on-cash yields are 5-7% APY.

  8. Total historical returns, including price appreciation, are 15-20% IRR.

  9. It has real intrinsic value, unlike 99% of the tokens.

  10. You will be able to leverage your IRR by borrowing liquidity against your EVITA.

  11. You can earn more as a liquidity provider.

  12. You can become a part of our community, have 25% of our fees, participate in governance, and more.

Last updated